Olvid, a secure messenger, is finally open-source! They said before the end of 2021, well it’s really just before the end but it’s there. They released the source for their Android and their IOS app.

  • @Yujiri@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Some red flags about this messenger:

    They are dishonest about the merits of existing secure messengers.

    From the homepage:

    Download Olvid, the most secure messenger in the world.

    There is no “most secure messenger in the world”; that judgement is much too nuanced and situation-dependent for such a claim.

    Most of the supposedly free messaging services are financed through the exploitation of the exchanged data.

    This is false of at least several alternatives, including Signal and Matrix.

    From the “technology” link on top bar:

    Our security model is utterly game-changing. Olvid is the first and only messaging system whose security no longer relies on any trusted third party, either operators or their servers.

    Objectively false. Even if you consider end-to-end encrypted and federated platforms like Matrix to “rely on a trusted third party”, there are P2P messengers which truly have no servers and which solve the problem of mapping username to public key, such as Tox.

    Olvid servers get hacked? Not an issue! No one will ever be able to read your messages, including the servers relaying them. It is forever impossible. Nor can any users identities ever be revealed. Olvid is the only system that also encrypts metadata, thus guaranteeing the anonymity of interlocutors. Finally, Olvid guarantees the authentication of users, contrary to all messaging servers that replace trusted third parties…

    Actually, all existing secure messengers have cryptographic authentication, and I’m pretty sure some of them also encrypt as much metadata as possible, such as Signal.

    It seems like they’re dishonest about the merits of their own messenger.

    Inability of the operator to know “who is talking to whom”. No third party could ever identify the participants, not even the server. No trace of any metadata.

    This is huge. I’m developing a federated messenger and had given up on hiding the recipient ID when sending a message because I couldn’t find a way to do it. If there’s a practical way to do it, I want to hear about it. So I opened their protocol specification.

    In the section “Upload message and get UID”, I see that the request actually contains a list of both the device UIDs and the identity of all recipients. They call it “encoded”, but it sounds like that just means JSON.

    In summary, I would stay away from this messenger in favor of another option like Matrix or SIgnal.

  • Hamster
    2 years ago

    They are trying to sell audio calls, video calls and desktop clients as premium feautures. Important consideration for my anti-capitalist ass. Also those features shouldn’t be catered to businesses only.

    They also list “unlimited contacts” as a free feature. I think this should not even be considered negotiable.

    • @Reaton@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      The only thing that really bugs me it’s the desktop clients as a premium feature. Even if I would prefer to get everything freely, I understand their choice to make call premium.

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlM
    2 years ago

    Just browsing around the Swift files in the iOS app, I found these:

    final class PersistedDiscussionOneToOneLockedToPersistedDiscussionOneToOneLockedMigrationPolicyV24ToV25: NSEntityMigrationPolicy {

    private func processContactGroupHasUpdatedPendingMembersAndGroupMembersNotification(obvContactGroup: ObvContactGroup) {

    try UtilsForAppMigrationV24ToV25.createDefaultPersistedDiscussionSharedConfiguration(forDiscussion: dInstance, destinationContext: manager.destinationContext)

    And they say Java has verbose names.

    • @Copio@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      Sometimes, for my own internal solo projects, I give my variations and functions wacky names because I was bored, I wonder if that’s the same for whoever named those.

    • sj_zero
      22 years ago

      To me, self-hosted and federated (so you can self-host and others can self-host and it seamlessly works across instances) is the way of the future. There might be criticisms of xmpp or matrix, but to me the moment you’re no longer looking at a single point of failure like with big tech services (or aspiring big tech services like this) you’re much more secure because your data isn’t in one centralized spot with everyone else’s data to get picked up in one big hack.

    • @airikr@lemmy.ml
      -42 years ago

      Apperantly, they run E2EE which means no servers are being used for storage of what people send to each other. They tell their visitors this on olvid.io (below “Olvid cares for you”).

        • @Reaton@lemmy.mlOP
          22 years ago

          Ah. yes, forgot about that part. And I bet they will not open the source code of their server anytime soon…

    • @ree@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      such a dick move.

      There is little incentive to publish open source code in a commercial setting comments like that validates it.

      • ghost_laptop
        2 years ago


        Well, I’m poor and I’m already expecting that stuff for free, my poor friends are also not going to pay for that and therefore they will not switch to a private messenger therefore, so give me free real state or gtfo. I know people want to live from that and it must be great, but I live under capitalism and I don’t have many choices.

  • @elo@sopuli.xyz
    32 years ago

    repost of that xkcd article which goes: “there are 14 standards”; “that’s too many! we need one that meets all use cases!”; “there are 15 standards”

    • Helix 🧬
      32 years ago

      But competition is good for business, and innovation. Maybe Matrix is ‘forced’ to implement some features because of this.