Olvid, a secure messenger, is finally open-source! They said before the end of 2021, well it’s really just before the end but it’s there. They released the source for their Android and their IOS app.

        • @Reaton@lemmy.mlOP
          22 years ago

          Ah. yes, forgot about that part. And I bet they will not open the source code of their server anytime soon…

    • @ree@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      such a dick move.

      There is little incentive to publish open source code in a commercial setting comments like that validates it.

      • ghost_laptop
        2 years ago


        Well, I’m poor and I’m already expecting that stuff for free, my poor friends are also not going to pay for that and therefore they will not switch to a private messenger therefore, so give me free real state or gtfo. I know people want to live from that and it must be great, but I live under capitalism and I don’t have many choices.