• Free Palestine
    42 years ago

    many anti-imperialist groups have used nationalism as a tool to radicalize the masses of their country against their imperialist overlord. Though, they usually define nationalism as the belief in their nation and its people. Rather than the western definition, that being that a nation is better than another.

    it seems to be mostly just westerners who see nationalism as inherently bad.

  • ghost_laptop
    32 years ago

    From this thread:

    I would consider National Bolshevism as more of a right wing ideology since it is not internationalist as opposed to Marxism Leninism (where there in fact exists nationalism, for example Ho Chi Minh was one, but it is combined with internationalism). National Anarchism is simply one of the stupidest things it could exist, since anarchism is a proponent of a stateless society therefore it is contradictory to its roots; it can be considered as much anarchist as Anarcho Capitalism.

  • realcaseyrollins
    12 years ago

    National Socialism? LOL

    Yes you’d probably get nationalism from big government lefties, but not from anarcho-leftists. Support for authoritarianism lends itself to nationalism because it requires a certain level of trust in the government.

  • @swissreport@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Do you mean Economic or Cultural Nationalism?

    If it is Economic left and Cultural right: Stressmanism, National Bolshevism and more

    If it is left wing culture and right wing economics, then it is social democracy or something like that.

    If you mean, if nationalism can exist in leftism then yes: All socialist/communist nations had nationalism implemented. For example Vietnamese nationalism against the USA. The same with North Korea and other. I mean just look at the motivational propaganda posters and left wing symbols of the former and still existing left wing countries. You could even argue that socialist/communist countries are more nationalist, hence for example the ddr anthem and even more famous the soviet anthem giving the listener a patriotic feeling, even to people that dispise them and people that do not understand the native language of the anthem.

    Leftist nationalism is so powerfull that russia, despite it being capitalist and is full of corruption and oligarchs, they still use the soviet anthem (even tough the anthems lyrics changed to fit the russian agenda) and the red star still being displade in the red square and soviet leaders statues, still staying to this day in russia. This may change in the future, but my point was that socialist/communist nationalism is very powerfull and more inclusive, then right wing nationalism in most cases.