• ant
    33 years ago

    What an absolutely ridiculous premise. This is like how corporations paid for campaigns to blame ecological destruction on consumers for not properly recycling in order to completely shift the conversation away from their deliberate and massive exploitation of resources.

    We can have ****ing online video we just need to replace cars with trains and fossil fuels with wind and solar… aghhghghhgg

      • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
        63 years ago

        It seems like drm schemes cause a lot of the bloat. Everything being locked behind subscription fees with no option to permanently download means you have to download every viewing. And then most of the time the file is cut up into pieces and bounced around different servers to slow down pirates.

      • Jedrax
        -33 years ago

        People not watching videos is not the way that gets done. That is a simply regressive solution, not a progressive one. If we all stop demanding video streaming, we have reduced the utility of the internet, because people love to watch videos. However, if we incentivize data centers to focus renewables, then we get to keep the utility from watching videos, and electricity generation is net cleaner. Progressive versus regressive, the decision is yours. But judging by your comment, you’d rather die on a hill defending a poorly thought out argument.