Hey guys, if I run a server, how independent I am? Can anyone delete my plattform if he doesnt like the discussions on it? Is there any censorship from above? Or is every server selfregulated?

      • @DBGamer@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        This is why I trust LunaNode, 99Stack and others who does respect privacy and gives you options to extend it to an extense.

        If you are THAT worried about it though, colocating a Pi or other SoC might be a more realistic option. Just make sure they allow 2.5" disks and you send them in (preferably in RAID if they will allow this). Since SD cards are NOT the “hottest” when it comes to nonstop operations.

    • soronixa
      53 years ago

      apparently lemmy.ml’s description on join-lemmy.org still says it’s the flagship instance. I think it’s better to inform users what they’re joining, so we have less drama.