Many times when talking to people i have a feeling that they can’t understand me ,also often i have many ideas and thoughts that everyone says “are you stupid?” or “man you just talk shit”.

Do you guys have a similar feeling or i’m somekind of alien?

  • kazutrashOP
    23 years ago

    For instance, once i have concluded that “People always say that i don’t owe anything, but my feelings are mine then i have something”

    But after that “I have feelings, if they are mine, it’s possible to sell them? How much do they cost? Actually, what is’ selling feelings’? Does it have any physical meaning?”

    Stuff like that

      83 years ago

      Looks like you would enjoy reading sôme philisophy and logic.

      Sometime i expérience what you wrote, usually it means my thoughts are not articulate enough to be shared with the world.

      43 years ago

      That’s neither crazy nor stupid, but it does seem those are more like inner thoughts and most people don’t share them.

    • Helix
      13 years ago

      many people don’t like others who always talk deep philosophical nonsense. Maybe your words are too big and you talk to the wrong people about the wrong things.