• @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
    02 years ago

    Please specify which “crypto”?

    Cryptography is doing just fine, thank you very much. I presume you meant “cryptocurrency” here?

    • @roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
      01 year ago

      Bitcoin should have led to global currency reform, for a start. That failed. It could still lead to energy reform and other important societal progress. But regulation and other factors are killing it.

      • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
        21 year ago

        Bitcoin and its alternatives could never have been a currency. It’s eminently unsuited to that role. (It’s great for Ponzi schemes, extortion schemes, and other criminal enterprises mind.) And how does “using more energy than a medium-sized nation while doing three orders of magnitude fewer transactions than even ONE payment processor” translate to “energy reform”?

        Please, dude, stop being a cryptobro. It’s a really bad look.

        • @roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
          11 year ago

          I’ve spent too much time explaining currency theory to purple who aren’t really interested. So if you have a specific question I can answer it. But not many questions and not a debate.