I was told growing up that I won’t like socialism once I have to start paying taxes. I pay taxes, but would much rather pay way more taxes to have socialism. Including paying for social programs I wouldn’t use like welfare, free tuition etc.

Once I qualified for work pharmacare that was great! But I remember how much it sucked not having any health insurance. Yeah I bootstrapped it, but I’d hope we would grow up as a species and not have to have so much bootstrapping, since there are better ways at this point.

  • overflow
    -132 years ago

    No I wouldn’t be okay with paying high taxes I don’t think the government should take any more of my pay than is necessary to provide roads, police, courts , firemen and workfare. Taking of your health is your personal responsibility you should bear the consequences of any decisions you make regarding your body if you wilfully choose to neglect your body then society shouldn’t be forced to shoulder the cost with one exception that being if you’re having a rough time through no fault of your own I believe some state care should be provided. The government is not your personal caretaker it should provide an environment where everyone is provided with the tools that is needed to provide for themselves but it shouldn’t provide everything for you.

      • overflow
        02 years ago

        I hate ayn rand as much as I hate marx they’re both the definition of Dunning Krueger to me. I find most of the communists annoying like if you’re one that realises that all countries calling themselves that aren’t communist at all and are just oppressive regimes then I think you’re ok even if i still think you’re stupid to think a real communist society can exist same with anarchists we both agree that governments are the greatest source of oppression mankind has ever known but we disagree over property rights and I think a few other things as well

        • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
          02 years ago

          Even in the absurd fantasies of people like yourself, they don’t stop crime. They “punish it after the fact”, which indisputably has very little deterrence effect. That’s why the hard-on-crime dipshits are always ranting about recidivism… it’s obvious even to folks like yourself, even without the benefit of proper statistical investigation.

          So if they don’t stop crime, what is it that they do that you actually want to pay for?

          I teach my children to do everything in their power to never come to the attention of the police. Don’t look in their direction and smile, don’t become conspicuous. Never report anything to them, if there’s an emergency call someone that cares about them. And we’re white. God help us if our skin were darker.

          PS There’s this nice video on Techdirt this morning of the cops murdering someone with his hands cuffed behind his back. Keeps saying “I can’t breathe”, but they choke him until he’s dead and don’t even bother to attempt first aid for another 10 minutes. He was white too. Seems his breathalyzer proved he wasn’t drunk, which pissed them off because they couldn’t do an arrest. No one’s safe from the fuckers.

          • overflow
            12 years ago

            Please don’t be an idiot and look at all the places in the world where they have/had no police and tell me if any of those places look pleasant to you.So you have a problem with police being too trigger happy the obvious solution is give the police more training, put proper accountability measures in place and take further disciplinary action if necessary not to have a kneejerk reaction and stereotype all police as bad and useless.

            • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
              02 years ago

              Please don’t be an idiot and look at all the places in the world where they have/had no police

              You’re asking me to not be an idiot… and your statement here is classic textbook fallacy. There are better explanations for those places and their chaos than “they don’t have police”. And there are nearly as many examples of places without police and the lack of chaos, which your theory fails to account for.

              You’re doing the “this magic rock keeps tigers away” and screaming “do you see any tigers?!!?!” when I point out that it’s not magic.

              So you have a problem with police being too trigger happy

              No, I have a problem with sociology where the police can’t ever be fixed because their pathological culture will persist if even one is allowed to remain on the job, but that we can’t start from scratch with an all new corps of cops. I have a problem where if the Nuremberg principle were in force, we’d have to hang them all from lamp posts. “I’m only enforcing the law” is semantically identical to “only following orders”, if you’re too dim to connect those dots.

              the obvious solution is give the police more training,

              Training can’t fix that. If you have some removed in a factory who keeps installing the components backwards, training can fix that because he doesn’t realize what it is he’s supposed to be doing, and once educated, might start doing it correctly.

              This isn’t a case of a cop who thought his taser was a tickle wand. This is someone who’s a cruel fuck who values compliance to his orders more than the safety of the public that imbeciles believe to be the purpose of police departments. Training can’t fix that because it’s not “ignorance of how the job is supposed to be performed”, but that he likes doing it that way. It gives him a thrill.

              Training can’t ever fix that. Training fixes a far different, far milder problem.

              put proper accountability measures in place

              Also impossible. It’s not as if that hasn’t been tried in the past, with the very predictable failures proving themselves inevitable.

              Who does the accounting? How do they have the authority to make their rulings stick, when police unions get everything overturned?

              Fuck, who would prosecute the cases of abuse? Do you know who sits outside in a squad car all night when someone threatens to kill a prosecutor’s kid for revenge? It’s the cops. Prosecutors know this, they appreciate it, and so they always are willing to wrist-slap. And the ones that aren’t don’t last very long.

              not to have a kneejerk reaction and stereotype all police as bad and useless.

              Bad police are never arrested. Why is that? If they are some secret little 1% hiding in the woodpile doing bad stuff when no one’s there to notice, why don’t the 99% of good cops do their own laundry?

              It’s because there are no good ones. Even if they don’t get a hardon abusing people, they make sure that they’re on the other side of town when the call comes in that they recognize as one that will lead to abuse. If they don’t have to see it, they don’t have to feel guilty for letting it happen. That’s the best case. As far as I can tell, more often they rush to go help. It’s fun, after all. Every once in awhile, you hear of one or another who isn’t a complete sociopath, who because they’re clever or lucky, slips through a academy/hiring process meant to filter them out.

              They end up dead in a ditch, or so frustrated and burnt out that they quit after a year or two.

              All bad. To the last one.

              My theory explains what we see and hear in the real world. Yours relies on sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU LA LA LA over and over.

              • overflow
                22 years ago

                Please do go somewhere without police and report back to me.

        • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          The reality in the whole developed world is that of having a strong social welfare service

          Unless you’re a gypsy, then you’re somehow disqualified for it, forced to steal, and the theft is proof you never really deserved the strong social welfare anyway.

          I’m happy to live without the risk of going bankruptcy for going to the hospital. Can you say the same?

          The funny part is that you think that if a person has some catastrophic illness/disease, and that if they get to live at tremendous expense despite that, that it’s somehow inhumane to make them pay that expense or file bankruptcy. Not only do they deserve to live… but they also deserve to have a good credit score too! Like, wtf. How dare they not roll them out the hospital door in a wheelchair with a velvet seat cushion, how awful and cruel.