• SeerLite
    83 years ago

    A FOSS Music app that’s as good as Musicolet. I got too used to its queue system that now I can’t use any other music app that does it the more “traditional” way. Also multi-select, menus, options and search are just too well done in this app. Literally the best IMO.

    The fact that it does so much and is still ad-free and mostly donation-based (iirc) also always makes me reconsider if going full-FOSS is actually worth it at all. It just feels like it was built with so much care… Similar to other non-FOSS apps I used to use.

    I guess not everything that’s proprietary sucks

    • @umlal@lemmy.ml
      23 years ago

      Ever tried emby? Hits in the good spot. it’s the open-source alternative to spotify. understandably some features of their google play app are subscription only. It isn’t cheap maintaining apps in the commercial eco-system.

      • Oue
        43 years ago

        Much better to recommend Jellyfin instead of Emby.

        Navidrome is also an excellent music server that’s very fast and lightweight with great support from multiple mobile apps