I think XMPP.

  • @dragnucs@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Getting end-to-end encryption work seamlessly is difficult on XMPP, and you would end up not secure. Matrix does have very good defaults and has e2ee enabled by default. It also has a different passphrase to decrypt history if you need to change the device.

    Edit: typo.

      • @dragnucs@lemmy.ml
        43 years ago

        Corrected the sentence. I last used XMPP with Conversations on mobile and Movim on the web about 3 to 4 years ago. Many of my contact had hard time enabling e2ee. I had to visit them to walk them thru the trust process. Other wise, the would just see scrambled text.

        • @tomtom@lemmy.ml
          53 years ago

          I use Monocles Chat, a fork of blabber.im, which is a fork of Conversations.

          OMEMO encryption works by default, and (for me) was a little bit more seamless than setting it up for Element.

          Element has a slightly awkward “verification” process, and also the backing up of encryption keys, and verifying other devices, just tends to confuse new users (imo).

          • @dragnucs@lemmy.ml
            23 years ago

            Element sees this as levels of trust.

            1. Not encrypted
            2. Encrypted but untrusted
            3. Encrypted and trusted
            4. Encrypted and trusted but conversation has an untrusted device.

            Verification process is for people you interact with outside of Matrix like IRL or phone, etc.

      • Dreeg Ocedam
        03 years ago

        only super easy and seamless with one client, i.e. the webbased Element

        But the Webbased client’s security model is simply broken. E2EE in the browser is simply not possible.

    • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Getting end-to-end encryption work seamlessly is difficult easy on XMPP

      Fixed that for you. :)

      • @ancom@lemmy.ml
        23 years ago

        default setting is that admins can easily inject their own key without user noticing it.

        additional to that: gajim sends files over jingle without encryption in e2ee chats dino does not offer reliable e2ee for group chat. it is difficult to verify keys in conversations because these settings are hidden afaik.

          • @ancom@lemmy.ml
            13 years ago

            I think in Conversations it switches from a green to a yellow sign).

            There is no button called: verify key or something in conversations. It is a hidden setting. Do you know how to verify a contact without using the qr code? It’s a hidden setting and most users won’t know it. Neither does it give you info that you can verify keys by scanning qr code. How should a user know? Not. So they stick to default settings, and the default setting is, that an admin can inject keys anytime they want, without user noticing.

            As for file sending, these are (usually still transport encrypted)

            I’ve mentioned Gajim, not any client. Gajim uses jingle without transport encryption.

              • @ancom@lemmy.ml
                13 years ago

                You can either make e2ee easy to use and enable it by default, or you can try to make people understand what they are doing to protect them from edge cases. Conversations does the former, while not making the latter impossible.

                …the “edge case” that e2ee should protect from third parties such as an admin to read the messages. A new key could create a pop up window that informs the user. If user doesn’t care, there can be an option for “never show again”. Having a function that says “verify key”, should also be expected from an app that argues to have secure e2ee implementation.

                as most people don’t really need strong e2ee anyways.

                Most people don’t need any. It’s infosec larping what people do. And then software developers build software for LARPing.