Hi, I’ve recently seen this video by a channel called What I’ve Learned, regarding the environmental impact of animal agriculture, in both of which Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a Professor and Air Quality Extension Specialist at the University of California, expresses his opinion on this topic.

In short, he suggests that cow industry is not so disruptive as it is portrayed.

I’m trying to understand if his points are valid. What are your thoughts? Please let me know, thanks

  • Dreeg Ocedam
    63 years ago

    There was a thread recently about a video debunking this one. I haven’t been able to find the thread but the video itself is here: What I’ve Learned or What I’ve Lied About? Eating less meat won’t save the planet. Debunked..

    If I remember correctly the main guy that is interviewed actually works for the food industry.

    A lot of food is being grown exclusively for feeding animals, the use of residue doesn’t mean that it would be wasted otherwise, and that no food is being grown for animals.

    Reducing meat intake is also something that can be done very easily with clearly known health benefits. Removing the use of fossil fuels is going to be a much larger change that individuals can’t do much about. Of course we should vote and push for policies that reduce fossil fuel use, but it shouldn’t mean we can’t do anything else.

    • @tronk@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      Amazing! I actually sent the What I’ve Learned video to vegan friends to see what they would respond. The only criticism we could come up with on the fly was that in the U.S. and in Brazil, there is plenty of soy and other human-edible grains that are being used for cows instead of humans. So the whole “cows eat food humans wouldn’t otherwise eat” argument in those cases are not true.

      But the video you linked was much more comprehensive! I’m excited! Hahah! A bit inline with the post someone else made regarding how awesome Lemmy is, it’s exciting to find this content and have these discussions here!

    • @Torquatus@lemmy.mlOP
      23 years ago

      Hi, I’ve seen the video: the guy gave well-sourced arguments, and frankly, they seem to be more credible than the ones from the original video. Thanks a bunch! Also, I agree with the points you make

  • John
    3 years ago

    it will save the animals, not the planet. Giving up eating meat is a sensible thing to do (no, I’m not vegan, but I admire the ones who have the mental strength to be and I hope that soon I will follow their lead)

  • @soferman@lemmy.ml
    13 years ago

    There are other things to prioritize, but eating less meat is definitely a part of the holistic change that needs to come. Not only because of the emissions but being resource efficient. You can produce a hell of a lot more food if you use the areal for plants rather than meat.

    But changing the type of meat will have more of an impact than eating less meat.

    But things are different from country to country though. And there are so many small things that affect or gets affected by stuff, take for example fish.

    • @Torquatus@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      Interesting, thanks. Still, the land usage issue is addressed in the video, and makes a good point too.

      EDIT: made this comment before watching this video, which addresses the original one. Also, I’ve checked out the channel you suggested, and I like it. Thanks! (btw not vegan either, but who knows)

      • @soferman@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        Yeah. I think there are a lot of moving bodies in the green movement, and some take the meat thing way to far by adding some personal stuff to it, like the ethical of eating meat at all.

        When it comes to what kind of meat to prioritize this graph gives a oversight regarding the comparabillity between meats. I haven’t really checked the source, but it gives at least some oversight.

        And I think it clearly shows that eating more chicken and then eating less beef will be more effective than eating a lot of beef meat and eating less beef. Adding on top of that not needing to eat meat for EVERY meal then we have come a long way I think

    • @soferman@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      I’m more knowledgeable about European conditions, but ‘Our changing climate’ seems like a good resource for stuff like this in USA. He has a video dissecting veganism’s possible environmental impact in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SdhrN0V7dk

      I’m not personally a vegan or anything BTW.

  • @k_o_t@lemmy.ml
    03 years ago

    lmao y’all sound like white slave owners in the middle of 19th century thinking about abolishing slavery because it’s no longer the most economically viable and efficient labour method

    shame on you all, discussing like this is some theoretical sophisticated issue with 39 different sides to discuss

    it’s fucking NOT

    stop eating animals and listening to garbage human beings who try to sell you false “feel good about your awful habits” story, who themselves obviously benefit from it