Lemmy is booming

I have never before received so many reactions and comments on my Lemmy posts before, so it’s obvious to see, that there are many new members here.
Welcome to all the new! And I’m looking forward to see more of you here.

      • @jjjm182@lemmy.one
        111 year ago

        Yeah Beehaw seems to have been removed from the ‘Join a Server’ page. I tried maybe 15 times to join Lemmy.ml as well. Honestly hoping these are just small bumps in the road, so it’s easier for new users to join!

        • Scrubbles
          81 year ago

          They should really have on the join lemmy server a guided wizard, like what are you interested in, and then it should basically give them server to join and a “Or I’ll choose my own”. But then you still have the "Wait I thought I was signing up for lemmy, not lemmy.foo.bar.baz issue. Decentralized is great, but we need a bit of centralization to help onboarding.

          • Tmpod
            91 year ago

            Definitely! There needs to be some improvements to user onboarding, it’s always one of the biggest painpoints with decentralized platforms.

      • @fuzzzerd@lemmy.ml
        51 year ago

        Based on their funding post a few days ago, they’re on a digital ocean droplet that costs $18/month or something, so there’s plenty of room to scale that up. Whether or not they can afford it or get enough donations to keep it up is debatable. Point is the hosting requirements are fairly low.

      • Jakob :lemmy:A
        51 year ago

        I run my own Fediverse Instances.

        Friendica, Lemmy, Pixelfed, Peertube…

    • @naoseiquemsou@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      I’m another reddit refugee and came just yesterday. I’m worried about happening the same that happened with koo when a lot of people migrated from twitter. They had to spend a lot into new resources, and expected a huge growth, but it turned out to be more of a temporary spike than anything. The majority of people already went back to twitter.

      But at least for me, I’m here to stay.

      • @mortrek@lemmy.ml
        101 year ago

        Yeah, I’m done with Reddit. Been using it since near when it started, and I’ve gotten to watch it slowly rot… I’m either here to stay, or I’m just done with it all. Either way, I’m not going back to Reddit.

        • TerrorBite :veripawed3:
          71 year ago

          Over the years I’ve unsubscribed from more and more of Reddit’s default subs. I think I’m only still subbed to aww and til, and I rarely comment on those. Almost all my engagement is with niche subreddits for my topics of interest via a third party app, so until now I’ve avoided all the rot. If I lose the app, I lose interest in Reddit.