What do y’all think of this? Seems pretty terrible on its face

    • Arthur Besse
      52 years ago

      A buyer should be as much as possible anonymous, but a seller should not

      GNU Taler is a payment system built on this philosophy

    • NXLOP
      52 years ago

      getting your work used by criminals shouldnt make you a criminal though.

      except sometimes its not used for purchasing and sometimes used for donations i.e. donations for Ukraine were done through eth and people (including vitalik buterin) used Tornado Cash to donate to people\organizations without it get traced to vitalik and the user\org

        • NXLOP
          22 years ago

          So if someone works on software for cars and they’re used to run people over the responsibility is on them? Seems like a terrible way to go about it.

          With that perspective tim berners lee has aided so much terrorism, money laundering, and blackmail by coding the world wide web. Or Protonmail coders or apple cosers for making end to end encryption simple to use

            • NXLOP
              22 years ago

              ok then does that apply to software that makes it easier to obfuscate communication? people can use it to plot terror attacks, or send grandmas secret recipe. people can use tornado cash for money laundering, or for hiding how much money you have and where your spending it from an abusive ex or authoritarian government who might target you for paying for an abortion

        • NXLOP
          22 years ago

          So if someone works on software for cars and they’re used to run people over the responsibility is on them? Seems like a terrible way to go about it.

          With that perspective tim berners lee has aided so much terrorism, money laundering, and blackmail by coding the world wide web. Or Protonmail coders or apple cosers for making end to end encryption simple to use

        • @jorgesumle@lemmy.pt
          12 years ago

          You can donate without problem using normal crypto coins or regular money.

          A no ser que uses una criptomoneda como Monero todo el mundo puede saber a quién has donado. ¿Pero y si no quieres que nadie sepa que a quien has donado? Por ejemplo, me puede dar vergüenda donar dinero para ayudar a comprar armas a un país muy corrupto, como Ucrania. Si el otro país toma el poder pueden usar esa información en el futuro para acusarme de financiar el terrorismo o financiar a neonazis.

    • Arthur Besse
      32 years ago

      if the developer was unaware of this risk, they were very naive

      Well, their security audit didn’t seem spot the risk…

      Seriously, though, are you condoning someone being arrested for publishing software?

        • Arthur Besse
          2 years ago

          Would it change your opinion if he was paid for working on the software by the criminals?

          Yes, it would change my armchair not-a-lawyer-but-i-play-one-online legal opinion. If there is evidence that he was (knowingly) hired to write the software by people who were planning to violate laws using the software, then it is not as much of an open-and-shut first amendment case (assuming they’re planning to extradite him to the US…).

          It is currently unknown and given the nature of the software involved might never be known

          Indeed. Which is why your assessment of his arrest should not be based on the assumption that that is what happened.

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        12 years ago

        The politicians may be expending a big chunk of our tax money on sex and hard drugs, but how do you think that public services (education, health, literally a ton more) get founded?

        Our politics suck, our system suck. But that discourse is shit.

        • @jorgesumle@lemmy.pt
          22 years ago

          Our politics suck, our system suck. But that discourse is shit.

          Señor Estegosaurio, si es mi dinero, debería poder decidir en qué se emplea, pero no puedo hacerlo, pues una considerable parte me la quita el estado para financiar cosas que no quiero financiar.

          • Sr Estegosaurio
            12 years ago

            Disculpa el tono en el anterior mensaje, mucho estres.

            Está claro que con nuestros impuestos se hacen infinidad de cosas en contra del beneficio del pueblo (políticos yendose de putas, comisiones, favores…) y que al final tan sólo una mínima parte se acaba invirtiendo en servicios públicos.

            El sistema, como idea y sobre el papel, no me parece una mala idea. Ahora, habríamos de limpiar las instituciones de toda corrupción, implantar transparencia absoluta y someter esos presupuestos a referndum.

            Yo también estoy harto de financiar a tanto payaso, pero la alternativa no es mejor. Es preferible tener el circo que tenemos ahora a morir por no poder costearse una ambulancia. (veasé EEUU) Claro que esto no es en defensa de la corrupción actual ni nada por el estilo, no es conformismo. Lo que quiero decir es que no tener nada es horrible, lo que tenemos es malo y que podemos aspirar a algo bueno.