Is there anything similar to a QR code that works offline?

Say I have a flyer that I want to discreetly distribute and there is no internet.

Is there something like a QR code that contains the data itself and not just a URL?

This way someone with no data plan could scan the icon/code with an app and the unrecognizable bits and bytes from the icon/code would show up on their screen as a .JPEG of a flyer or something.

  • aedalla
    42 years ago

    An NFC/RFID tag can apparently hold up to a megabyte. Also I think some devices can store the data in a different way and just transmit through RFID, meaning much more data could be accessed offline that way.

    • @Gmork@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      That is something I had not considered.

      QR codes could be deployed on stickers cheaply. This sounds like a more expensive endeavor, albiet an interesting one.

      I don’t know much about in NFC or RFID. I’ll have to look into it. Thanks for the idea.