I’m currently preparing for exams which are very important to me. Some days I can work for 6 hours or more without stopping and I get loads done and feel great about it. Unfortunately some days I get up and I can’t bear to work.

On bad days, I feel like I can’t focus on anything, and no matter how much it stresses me out, my brain just refuses to put any effort in. I have no motivation and just feel like going to sleep or giving up and doing something to waste time.

Generally I find if I work a lot one day the next day is more likely to be a bad day.

Does anyone else have this? How do you prevent this or at least cope with it?

    • @ster@lemmy.mlOP
      02 years ago

      I don’t know much about it honestly. I’m not really an impulsive person though?

      • Tryp
        02 years ago

        ADHD is a spectrum that presents differently in sexes but can also have other disorders closely related. My ADHD made me more reclusive and not very spontaneous because of a comorbid with anxiety, over thinking everything. I got treated for my anxiety and was once that faded my impulsiveness was uncontrollable. I was well into adulthood before I got treated and I regret waiting so long just because of how effective it was, Atomoxetine+Vyvanse has been awesome.

        I obviously can’t diagnose you over the internet and I’m missing a few degrees to be qualified but after reading your comments here it sounds like a route you should investigate further with a dr.

        You could write

        Working on hyper obsessions while staring into space in-between motivation cycles

        on my tombstone lol