• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    22 years ago

    I think they likely pulled out because they were overstretched and Taliban was about to win anyways. And then they stole the Afghanistan’s funds which is what the cause of the famine is now. They literally have no money to buy food for their people because US robbed them.

    • @roastpotatothief@lemmy.ml
      02 years ago

      Could be.

      About the other thing you said

      Weirdly very little coverage about that right now.

      It’s partly cynical geo-politics. And it’s partly racism. But IMO there’s another reason. The somalis don’t have good internet and ubiquitous smartphones. If they did, their story would be everywhere. News isn’t about journalists trekking into warzones anymore - it’s people posting their own footage and the internet picking up on it. Without the footage there is no news.

      You can debate if it’s the most important factor but it’s definitely a part of it.