I would bet my left hand that it’s possible, but is it feasible to use Matrix for the messaging? Or is this simply out the scope for the project?

  • [deleted]OP
    23 years ago

    Lemmy’s goal is to be a link aggregator for the Fediverse, switching to the Matrix protocol would completely abandon that. Switching is simply out of question for the project as far as I know. Lemmy is also not even close to a finished product yet so current issues with federation are expected.

    • @disrooter@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      I’m not talking about Lemmy, but the entire Fediverse. Matrix is not for instant messaging only, as its authors keep saying. Matrix is basically a decentralized database for real-time content with permissions and end-to-end encryption built-in. ActivityPub is good only for public content and can’t guarantee a modern user experience when it comes to federation, as I said as the network grows it adds inconsistencies and common users are confused by it.