I’ve had lots of issues in the past with Ubuntu LTS’s having random system crashes, etc., that kept me away from using linux as my daily driver for work and personal use.

I saw a recommendation for KDE Neon, and it just works. I don’t pretend to know what kind of black magic these devs have used in their basements, but I’ve used it for a week and haven’t experienced a single crash or other oddity (something that would happen almost daily on Ubuntu). Works out of the box, looks okay, and performs wonderfully. That’s all I really have to say. Anyone else have recent experience with KDE Neon and want to share?

    • Ephera
      2 years ago

      I mean, Ubuntu has had some really shitty KDE setups in the past (assuming OP used Kubuntu back then). Mostly caused by their fixed release schedule not aligning very well with KDE releases, and them keeping old Qt releases alive, back when they were still working on Unity 8.

    • JedraxOP
      22 years ago

      It really is strange. Since Ubuntu was always parsing me strange fatal errors, I was expecting more of the same since Neon is an ubuntu fork. But nope!

      • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
        32 years ago

        Is not an Ubuntu fork but their repositories are the same with the exception of these dedicated to KDE software AFAIK.