Specifically, im wondering if there is a left solution to that.

  • @VonMax@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    There are several ways to fix the search process and some of them require law change…

    1. Make Fake Job Posting/Multi-Level Marketing Scheme Illegal, make that a misdemeanor on first strike and at least 10 years felony afterward since they demonstrated that they aren’t willing to change after the first strike. That the offender also need to compensate the interviewee’s time and resources. End of discussion.

    2. Interviewee being paid for their time and transportation cost, those aren’t free and it can help in a way that it discourage company from using employee turn over as leverage when we can flip it around against the employer.

    3. Making resources more available for allowing people to have an easier time networking for jobs/contracts could go a long way. Apprenticeship, government paid conference for presentation and meeting, and so forth.

    I agree with MarcellusDrum on the point of jobs itself being the problem in general in the USA.

    As for #1 and #2, I had gone to 8 different job places that are fake, most of them are from insurance companies sometime around 2014 to 2016, I have since quit looking for jobs and switch to running my company afterward. Stuff like that are vile and cruel, I wasn’t particularly well off and it took a lot of my time and resources just to get to those places to have an interview only to find out that they are fake or lying about the position.