Hey Linux. I try to install Regata OS on my POP OS pc, but the pc vil not boot from the iso i have downloaded on a flash drive. What have i doing wrong

  • Helix 🧬
    311 months ago

    How did you put the ISO onto the flash drive? Which commands or software did you use to unpack the ISO? Did you use dd/pv or something like Balena Etcher?

    I recommend Ventoy.

    • @Slatlun@lemmy.ml
      211 months ago

      To explain more, an understandable and common mistake is to just move the .iso file to the flash drive. For it to work you have to write the information contained in the .iso file (aka image) to the flash drive using an app like the ones listed above.

  • Soviet Snake
    311 months ago

    Probably the priority list in the BIOS has another drive set as the one to boot, find one whixh key to press to go to the bios on your pc, go and find the boot list.