• @soferman@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Sharing what I posted here: https://lemmy.ml/post/63392

    I feel that we must do more as a community to be positive and inclusive. I’m not a fan of Brave but I don’t think it is good to villanise people who use the browser.

    If we want to get more people to use more Free, Libre & opensource software we need to make sure to be inclusive and informative so that people can make informed decisions by themselves. If you believe you are right and have good reasons for it the information you have should be enough to help people make a good and thoughtfull judgement.

    People who dunk on brave and it’s users don’t care about libre software but care about being superior.

    So stop smearing Brave and dunk on its users and inspire people to use cool and ethical software. <3

    • IngrownMink4
      53 years ago

      I agree with you, but as the OP says, Brave users, being dissidents from the Firefox community, resent Mozilla and its supporters. They are extremely hostile and they don’t like criticism of their browser. It will be difficult to convince them…

      • @soferman@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        That is true, but means there is even less reason to take this approach. The current approach does nothing but satiate owns feelings. In political terms to me it is the same as people use all their time talking down other political ideas but never uses time to try to do something positive and constructive with their time. People who have nothing better to contribute to the world other than put other people down.

        Changing this thought pattern would do so much for the FLOSS movement!