• @iortega@lemmy.eus
    2 years ago

    I use dwm. I use Vimium on firefox. I use cmus. I use vifm. I use mpv and feh. And of course, I use both Emacs and Neovim. Newsboat for rss. The only thing, email client: currently Claws. I’m not too comfortable with terminal or emacs email clients. But that might change soon. I also have a bunch of scripts I use for keyboard-driven usage of my system. It’s not enough with those 5 types of software you mentioned. You need to optimize everything for the keyboard. Something I really miss from every distro, because not a single one does this, afaik.

    • @ree@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Honestly I think it’s all about balance.

      Some interactions are much easier with a mouse. Other thrives with keyboards.

      I wish there was an easy way to have mail within emacs. Everytime I’m drawn to it I’m lost in all the alternatives and each configuration seem quite complexe to implement

      • @americanwaste@lemmy.ml
        22 years ago

        I haven’t used emacs for mail but I was a huge mutt user back in the day before I surrendered to using Outlook at work (employer blocks IMAP on our Exchange Online instance and I didn’t want to go through the hassle of getting it permitted for my personal mailbox). I’d check that out, the config is pretty easy and you can search github/gitlab for other people’s configs to get you started.

        I had multiple mailboxes mapped to the function keys, F2 for primary mail, F3 for work, etc., it worked beautifully.

        • @ree@lemmy.ml
          32 years ago

          Ha yes. I’ve used mutt sporadically before. Nice soft.

          I’ve just remembered that my employer will go exchange only before summer :/ it was nice while it lasted.