Was having a conversation with a mod who was upset that I downvoted their opinion. Apparently if you disagree, you are banned. Looking at you @CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml. I wouldn’t consider anything I did trolling or a violation of the rules of c/scandalzilla.

Here is the post if anyone wants to validate: https://lemmy.ml/post/163594

  • Krusty
    22 years ago

    This is all toxic behaviour, can’t you see it? You should just calm down and try not to be aggressive. I never said you were aggressive with me, I just expressed an opinion. If you don’t like it you have to accept it and answer, not using powers like you did some times. Anyways, why instead of spreading hate against Firefox don’t you try spreading info on alternatives? Hate is something that blinds our minds and creates a suffocating experience in Lemmy

      2 years ago

      The entire thing is childish, I agree.

      I do not go into apple community, down-vote everything because I want to enforce my bias on something and then fake report statements from others users and seriously expect I should not protect people from my community who just ask a legitimate question just because a troll does not like it.

      You judge me without knowing me, I responded. You claim something without anything, this is baseless smear campaign. What you do is slander and to smear me without actually have spoken to me. If you are not involved you ignore it and move on, that is what adults do, and if you cannot stand a community you block it in your settings, same goes for users. There is an option.

      I spread no hate against Firefox, my community is about history of Mozilla, Firefox is part of that history, if people cannot stand Mozilla failures and trying to wrongfully defend that then this is their ego problem. If we are not even allowed to express our opinion on a professional manner than we can close the the forum. Hate is not, I disagree and then fake report it under the abuse argument, there was no abuse, abuse is actually if your wrongly report others and then if you do not get what you want trying to argue you way out to convince the mods otherwise.

      Respect is if you tolerate, the user never tolerated to begin with, he reported, speculated something into OPs post that is entirely speculation and I protected my user and I would do it again.