Was having a conversation with a mod who was upset that I downvoted their opinion. Apparently if you disagree, you are banned. Looking at you @CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml. I wouldn’t consider anything I did trolling or a violation of the rules of c/scandalzilla.

Here is the post if anyone wants to validate: https://lemmy.ml/post/163594

  • krolden
    02 years ago

    Anyone that cares about their privacy should steer clear of communities that say they’re about privacy. They always turn into shit shows and echo chambers. Not to mention they’re usually on platforms that dont actually respect your privacy.

    • Display Name
      22 years ago

      I somewhat disagree. The quality of posts and responses varies but where else would you discuss privacy if not in a privacy forum? :D I’ve also read and learned and shared on e.g. r/privacy.