Hey y’all, In the past I had arranged that /f/piracy in raddle.me would be the fallback forum for /r/piracy, but I recently noticed that raddle.me has disabled new user registrations and that would be a problem in case we need it.

And with reddit about to go public, it might be needed.

Instead of trying to spin up my own lemmy instance, I was thinking if I could get a mod position in this forum and specify it as the official /r/piracy fallback instead.

Feel free to PM me in reddit for verification.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        You realise right that you can download and get to reading all of that 91 MB of text within 5 minutes on your computer? You said:

        For the vast majority of human beings alive today, they are effectively gone. They cannot be found without extraordinary, heroic efforts.

        This is simply untrue.

        • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
          02 years ago

          This is simply untrue.

          It’s simply true. Perhaps you think you can do it, which means that everyone else can do it and easily. You are atypical.

          For everyone else, this is effectively gone. Even for the people who’d hang out in r/piracy who can be counted on to be slightly more technically savvy, it’s effectively gone. I know how to download your link (I even know how to find it without your help). I know what a 7z link is. I know or can find out what format those posts are in (json?). But I’ll be damned if I can search through them to find anything useful or interesting, and I know even less than that about how to index them to make them easily searchable by anyone else.

          They’re dead. Dead and buried. In giant concrete containment vaults like some scragged nuclear reactor.

          Aggressively asserting that I’m wrong isn’t the same thing as making an intelligent argument.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            Wait what? Are you claiming that opening HTML page for each archived post is impossible for anyone?u

            I know what a 7z link is. I know or can find out what format those posts are in (json?)

            This proves you did not even bother to download and check the file structure layout, and are making assumptions upon assumptions. Why comment without checking?

            They’re dead. Dead and buried. In giant concrete containment vaults like some scragged nuclear reactor.

            Over reaction. A very bad take.

            You are doubling down unnecessarily and dying on the wrong hill, mate. Stop.

            • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
              02 years ago

              You are doubling down unnecessarily and dying on the wrong hill, mate. Stop.


              I’m not “dying on a hill”. How will I be punished exactly?

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                2 years ago

                Downvotes from Lemmurs (not redditors) and disagreement? It also takes away some of your credibility in discussions here. Admitting the wrongs and acceptance goes a long way in life.

                Nobody is sending a bunch of prostitutes to your home, do not worry.

          • krolden
            12 years ago

            Fuck everybody else then. If they’re too lazy to spend 5 minutes reading then they shouldn’t be able to figure out how to download a movie.

            Stop catering to the laziest users. If you want something go find it yourself.

            • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
              02 years ago

              If they’re too lazy to spend 5 minutes reading

              “If they’re too lazy to spend 10 years digging through and understanding technology so that they can find, download, and parse a strange archive of a no-longer-existing forum, then spend months reading through that to find the hidden gems, then they’re just not worthy of my hobby and fuck them!”

              THIS. This is exactly the attitude I want for mods in a piracy forum. And for the defenders of those moderator candidates.

              The positive, uplifting attitude, the graciousness, the politeness. Just all of it. Why wouldn’t he (and you!) be a great mod?

              Stop catering to the laziest users.

              You’ve never stopped to think about this a day in your life, have you?

              Piracy is a numbers thing. If there are 5 of us, no matter how good we are at it, this dies. It just does. If there are 50 million of us, they can’t ever hope to stomp us out. So yeh, if the laziest users are willing to lazily “use” once in awhile, that helps me even if it can be irritating.

              I knew of a piracy “scene” that is deader than coffin nails… userbase too small. Started infighting, the elites wanted to get rid of the lazy users, became even smaller. Now dead. No IRC, no forums, no nothing. When you try to do research on it, you find 16 year old posts to forum pages that sometimes you get to read the Google cache for, or maybe Wayback has a copy. Should be the opposite, the tools available today, should be easier than ever. But just gone.

              That’s what you and people like you would turn it all into if you had your way.

        • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
          12 years ago

          Why would I ever give you the power over me to make me feel bad?

          What kind of asshole are you that you’d want that power over anyone?