Hi there, looking for an alternative to news.google.com that just simply isn’t a Google product. I know it’s not open source per say, but just curious.

  • @ree@lemmy.ml
    33 years ago

    Wow that’s quite developed.

    So you consume content in a jupyter notebook? Or you’re interfacing this with a RSS reader?

    From what I read the next step is to run it in a real database.

    • I consume analytics and identify topics I am interested in via jupyter sometimes i just use ipython if I don’t want to leave the terminal – I need to build more of a frontend but I’ve not got there yet. I mostly read the articles in the terminal. And yup my plan is to find a good db but I am not sure what to use yet.

      • @ree@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        You could probably repackages your upgraded feed into a RSS format that you serve locally. But that can be more hassle than it may worth.

        Thanks for the info it encouraged me to try that sometime :)