It should not take three minutes to cross a road

Yet as @DrTCombs shows in this video, many road crossings are designed to make pedestrians wait at least that long before getting a walk signal.

This video shows one such crossing in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but there are many more intersections like this across North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

#cycling #pedestrians #walkablecities #walking #urbanism #UrbanPlanning #planning #bike #cycle #cities @fuck_cars @green

  • Tab Combs
    21 year ago

    @stuart @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars @green The term ‘jaywalking’ was invented by the automobile lobby, as was the idea that it’s illegal. In most cases, crossing outside a marked crossing or against a light is technically legal and always has been. But it could still get you killed.

    Regardless, no kid should be required to use their own judgment to decide when to dart across a road.