I find myself using them on pretty much every platform that has them: matrix, masto, discord, etc.

These would be completely separate from votes, and have no affect on sorting.

What do you think the positives and negatives would be of having them?

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    132 years ago

    It can become a virtual reward and punishment mechanism that feels like a dopamine sucker. Think of what likes and dislikes, or these reaction emojis did to Facebook posts.

    • @Peter1986c@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      It would not be well-understood by Gen Z. :P

      Millenials are the last gen (in the West) to have grown up with the old-school style of typing emoticons, I think. But that may be just my impression.

  • @daojones@lemmy.ml
    62 years ago

    I love them because it gives you a succinct way to reply without having to type out a response.

  • @Thann@lemmy.ml
    62 years ago

    One possible implementation would be coalescing “single-glyph-responses” into a “reaction count” on the ui-layer. so instead of seeing several identical comments like: 👍, its visually more like slack, but on the backend its just a regular comment 🤔

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    62 years ago

    This is one of the most civilized, better argumented and well exposed discussions thata I seen in the internet in a long time.

  • @goosefetisch@lemmy.ml
    52 years ago

    Been lurking for a while but made an account to comment on this. My primary concern is that being able to see what other people think of something might mean you don’t bother to read it yourself; downvotes have the same effect however their broadness of why a post might deserve one means you need to actually at least skim through something to see if it’s unhelpful, false or badly-worded such that someone could misinterpret it. Downvotes help guide you when you aren’t able to judge the quality of a comment on your own, emoji reactions could tell you how to feel about a comment before you even read it. If you dislike a post more than a downvote can represent, you need to comment on it to explain why it’s bad, forcing you to write out your thoughts - perhaps collect some sources - and most likely proof read them before you comment. An emoji reaction, however, is literally one click away and one scroll later you probably won’t even be able to remember it. A more abstract and slightly paranoid worry about it is that this was used by Facebook to track people, and implementing it in Lemmy could open the door to an instance making modifications and using this for the same thing. I know that Lemmy isn’t Facebook, but that’s precisely why I would rather not have these.

    However, I do see a use for these in some communities, namely media-based ones where factual discussion is rare and opinionated (e.g. a community where people post drawings, or links to entertaining YouTube videos), for this reason I think it would perhaps be worth considering as an opt-in for some communities. Because comments typically do not contain media, if you do implement in on an opt-in bases it’s probably worthwhile to allow enabling them for posts and comments independently. Some people may also not like them (UI clutter, prejudice, emojiphobia etc) so you should be able to hide them in user settings.

    tl;dr this would make you pre-judge comments and posts, and make people react without explaining their thought process in a reply, however could be nice for some communities as an opt-in

    2 years ago

    GitHub also adopted it, and I would say it depends on the platform and target.

    For a developer platform I find this unprofessional, but for traditional chat systems it might be useful if you quickly want to go through lots of messages and get a first impression about what the community thinks about topic X.

    On Lemmy I would prefer emojis to up and down votes, the reason is that people often do not bother to explain why they up or down voted it.

    I would argue, overall, that adding it puts maybe a bit more pressure on the server for no actual benefit.

    I overall would like such a feature here on Lemmy but only if there are limits how you can use them, I speculate some people would constantly add and then remove them with might cause some more traffic and pressure on the server, so there should be a limit. Unregistered people should not be allowed to add reaction or use them, only one reaction per post or within x hours… and such limitations.

  • m-p{3} ⛔
    32 years ago

    I could slightly cut down on small replies while still voicing your thoughts, so IMO that could be worth it.