• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    14 years ago

    That’s fantastic news! For those not in the loop Element is just rebranded Riot.im. We really need an open protocol for chat communication to become a standard. The fact that all the popular chat platforms are proprietary is a travesty.

    It’s especially painful nowadays where a lot of chat apps are implemented using Electron making them rather hefty in terms of resource usage. Having to run both Slack and Discord for example is pretty taxing. This problem wouldn’t exist using open protocols.

    • DessalinesOP
      14 years ago

      The non-electron desktop apps for matrix currently are pretty dissapointing… but that can always improve. Nheko was the only one that I tried for a while that actually had working encryption, which is standard now… none of the other clients even support encryption.

      The mobile clients are really good tho, RiotX is probably going to get re-branded as element too, and its great.