Few days ago I discovered that any time you follow a fediverse account on a different instance than your one, the server you are on mirrors the original content of any toot/post, and I think this is a huge issue, because then every Fediverse server/instance could quickly get overloaded from contents from other servers! Am I right? I’ve always thought that toots/posts from other instances were just “empty shells” retrieving the content on demand.

  • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
    142 years ago

    Lemmy only mirrors text, which takes almost no space at all. What does take a lot of space is media, so mirroring that can fill up your disk really fast. Inthat case, it is necessary to delete old, cached media which can easily be automated.

    • @Edo_Secco@lemmy.mlOP
      22 years ago

      I was following some Birdsitelive accounts from Mastodon, Admins regularly block every Birdsitelive instances they see being used there.

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    62 years ago

    No you are not right. It’s not a problem. Pleroma doesn’t even download the media, Mastodon does but it’s not that much. Each person follows just a few hundred accounts, they don’t produce too much content. The fedivers is pretty large already and it hasn’t become a problem.

      • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
        22 years ago

        The biggest servers actually have an advantage, because the overlap of followed posts between users would be huge. But yeah having lots of images and short videos does result in big amounts of data.

    • @Edo_Secco@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I was following some Birdsitelive accounts, Admin of the Mastodon I’m on regularly block every Birdsitelive instances they see being used, they answered me the reason is the overload of content.

            • @Edo_Secco@lemmy.mlOP
              32 years ago

              This is the answer I got from my admin: «toots are stored locally for a simple reason: let’s say a toot goes viral, then hundreds of instances would have to upload the message with photos or video from the unfortunate person’s server, which could collapse. Uploading a copy locally saves a lot of stress on the servers.» What do you think?

              • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
                22 years ago

                That’s what I said. But that still doesn’t mean every toot ever is stored, just those that are from users that are being followed. Still not a good reason. Do they want you to use their server or not??

  • @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
    62 years ago

    I once made a tool that indexes every image posted on the fediverse. It ran from Jan 2019 to about August 2019. I don’t remember the exact numbers but including the original full size, the thumbnail, the meta data including the author idkey, profile, and avatar, was sum total under a few gigs. It was indexing something like 2-8 images a second (it was highly variable).

    Of course, the fediverse is bigger now. I wonder what it would be.

  • @drb@midwest.social
    62 years ago

    I assume this might be related to the cache growth seen by Mastodon instances, quickly into the hundreds of GBs. See the discussion here or the post and associated replies here.

    • @Edo_Secco@lemmy.mlOP
      22 years ago

      This is exactly my same doubt.

      This is the answer I got from my admin: «toots are stored locally for a simple reason: let’s say a toot goes viral, then hundreds of instances would have to upload the message with photos or video from the unfortunate person’s server, which could collapse. Uploading a copy locally saves a lot of stress on the servers.»

      What do you think?

  • @bashrc@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    Epicyon has a maximum number of remote/federated posts, and above some configurable number will delete or archive the oldest ones (unless they are DMs). This helps to keep the storage space within a finite upper bound and prevent running out of disk space.