• @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
    32 years ago

    Hmm Lemmy has bad ux. I can’t just join by clicking a part of this post and it doesn’t even show on my instance when I do a search… And I can’t join by manually typing in the address anywhere either.

      • Tmpod
        22 years ago

        I fully agree. This has been one of my pain points with the UI, not being a user of lemmy.ml (the de facto instance). Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to formulate a report and suggestion on this, but it would likely be better to just kickstart the discussion already.

          • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
            82 years ago

            This is a good find. It would make a lot of sense for Lemmy to format mentions in that way too. Could you open an issue in the Lemmy repo please?

            By the way, the fetch problem you mention is already fixed in this pr (but not yet released).

          • Tmpod
            32 years ago

            Didn’t know about that, thank you! But yeah, there’s definitely some room for improvement

    • DessalinesM
      2 years ago

      This post is on announcements. If you want to subscribe to a community, you have to go to that community, then click subscribe.

      If its a federated community, just copy paste the community URL into the search bar, then go to it and click subscribe.

      • @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
        42 years ago

        It took another day for it to finally show up in the search.

        It should detect that a link being shared is a community and pull whatever metadata necessary to enable subscribing and show the button next to the link wherever it is shown. I think most users would expect it to work that way because that’s how other sites/software works, including Reddit and Discourse but also many others.