Banners are fuckhuge. Even fitting wide ones like /c/gaming take up most of the page, and then there’s vertical ones like /c/anime which are kind of absurd.

I admit that it’s worse for me because I have to use the site zoomed in and wish the site was more left-aligned, but even at standard zoom, a typical community page will only show 2 actual posts and part of another one. It’s overwhelming.

I appreciate the bit of customizability, but I think they go a bit overboard.

  • ghost_laptop
    103 years ago

    Yeah, I totally agree with you, that’s why I never use them in communities I moderate, they are ugly and huge. I would prefer something like Reddit when it has a fixed size at least.

    73 years ago

    Standardization should be a thing for those, like having either a fixed size or recommended aspect ratios for those.

    Same for avatars, there should be a placeholder for when a user or a community doesn’t have one, just make the site looks messy.

    53 years ago

    there’s vertical ones like /c/anime

    Was that changed? I don’t see any vertical banner.

      • @Whom@lemmy.mlOP
        53 years ago

        Yeah, in general the site could use some configurability. This is the big one, but I’d also really appreciate being able to directly see community names instead of the expanded ones. I’d much rather see “/c/floss_replacement” than “Free (libre) software replacements for proprietary software” or whatever. Even when they aren’t super long and unwieldy, they make navigation harder.

  • weex
    33 years ago

    To each sublemmy, their own. I’d complain to their mods first. Maybe offer a shorter one.

  • dandelion
    23 years ago


    1. File bug report
    2. Donate and look into bounty source and if needed poke devs
    3. ???
    4. Profit !!! ;)