@CHEFKOCH banned me for criticizing a Bloomberg article that didn’t link to any primary sources. He claimed I was being “disrespectful” for that criticism…

This doesn’t make any sense to me, and I would avoid that sub, if you’re looking for critically reviewed content, or debate of any kind.


  • krolden
    62 years ago

    Yes he loves banning people as well as deleting comments he disagrees with.

  • @peppermint@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Those people seem toxic: even the most “credible” news sites write lots of biased emptu-worded speculations every day but they will intentionally avoid providing sources to increase the chance readers share their article instead of the primaries. Stop reading privacynews.

    RIP popcorntimes, you will be missed.

    • @Thann@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Yeah, I’ve never read an article about FOSS project that doesn’t link to said project.
      My speculation is that the article was designed to subliminally “shit on” pirate software, and linking to it would defeat that purpose.

      Beneath this repo there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.

  • bunkrra
    32 years ago

    bro, what do you expect from bloomeberg article? that kind off content should be banned here. mass media mogul platform with clickbait titles, pseudo science hidding commercials and articles like that about popcorn, semi truth with picky wording. Popcorn is not dead, maybe some big film production company wish so, so they pushed article like this out and bloomberg was happy to help, oooh uuuh shocking popcorn, the huge movie client with pirated video content is down ooh uhh, shocking. fuck bloomberg and all other similar media. and also fuck mod, there was no reason for ban.

  • 10_0
    12 years ago

    Most people don’t link primary sources anyway, but I does show the lack of credibility for a normal reader

    • @Thann@lemmy.mlOP
      22 years ago

      One problem specifically with “popcorn-time” is that there are a bunch of copycats that claim all the others are spyware! Who or what the “official” version is, requires rigorous debate.
      Without a reference to who the original author is, or how they know they got the right guy, any sufficiently knowledgeable reader is forced to question the credibility of the article =/

    • krolden
      22 years ago

      He also never posted any piracy articles prior to the /r/piracy mod getting approved as a mod here. He’s just being a troll out of spite