• Râu Cao ⚡
      411 months ago

      @The_KamikaZEN @osma @fediverse If e.g. Komoot and Ride with GPS would collaborate on becoming interoperable for let’s say sharing, liking, and comments, they might sway some users away from Strava with the promise of being more open. But tbh, the amount of users migrating would probably still be small, and Strava absolutely rules that industry by network effect.

      It’s a lot of investment from whoever implements AP, and not much to gain. I think this has to start in the opensource community.

    • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
      611 months ago

      This. This right here. For anybody to embrace anything they have to perceive and advantage to them to do so. If you can’t persuade them of such an advantage they won’t do it.

  • Aaron Ouellette
    511 months ago

    @osma @fediverse those companyies do love their walled gardens.
    Garmin is famous for building limited penetration walls.
    I need a tool to make my fitness details portable.

    • Osma AOP
      -211 months ago


      Ah, yes, Strava, the poster child of profitable walled gardens thriving because of their amazing social visibility.


  • bob
    111 months ago

    You could make a addon or app which auto shares to the users activitypub accounts instead