I mentioned this here but I am very disappointed in the removal of a web UI for a #fediverse project. I don’t use Takahe myself, but this will make those users harder to engage with. If I only use a browser for my fediverse activity, I won’t be able to see any of those users without following.

EDIT: Everything I said above and in the linked post is probably wrong so ignore it. Thanks to @KelsonV@lemmy.ml for pointing that out to me. https://lemmy.ml/comment/423338

  • KelsonV Old Account
    31 year ago

    If they’re going for something similar to GoToSocial, it will still have web pages for profiles and public posts. It’s mainly a change for people who do use Takahē.

    • @0x1C3B00DA@lemmy.mlOP
      11 year ago

      ah you’re right. I misread the section that mentioned that and thought there wouldn’t be any public post pages. Thanks for the clarification.