I’m talking non-absurd things that plausibly someone could choose to implement.

Like an anti-suggestions thread.

  • Dessalines
    432 years ago

    Nearly everything that new reddit does. Tracking, huge ads, going closed source, removing dowvotes, vote fuzzing, tons of paid flairs, trying to integrate cryptos …

  • @salarua@sopuli.xyz
    342 years ago

    karma. one reason we have so much high-quality content here is because there’s no incentive to gain upvotes. upvotes aren’t displayed on your profile and no communities are locked to people below a certain upvote count. if karma were added to Lemmy, we’d get a lot of pandering to the lowest common denominator and the entire community would become stratified

    • pluOP
      62 years ago

      Well I still smile at night thinking about the upvotes I got.

    • Free Palestine
      12 years ago

      Lemmy originally did have karma (i think we called it something else), but it was removed because it’s parasitic, so you don’t need to be afraid of that one coming back.

    • @gun@lemmy.ml
      52 years ago

      I’m confused. Hexbear got rid of downvotes. Which happens to be my anti-suggestion. Don’t get rid of downvotes.

      • @a_Ha@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        My search on ddGo yields nothing meaningful about the : “… anti-suggestions thread”
        which is in the head of this post …
        What is it ? Would you know … since you refer to : “anti-suggestion” in your comment ?

        • @gun@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          An anti-suggestion is the opposite of a suggestion. It’s something you don’t want the devs to add.

    • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
      -32 years ago

      Supposing that banning should even be a thing, why would voting be the one action you can take that you shouldn’t get banned for? If you comment in certain ways, you can be banned. If you post certain stories, you can be banned. You can be banned for trying to poke around in non-page urls (hacking), you can be banned for all sorts of stuff.

      But if you go around downvoting stories that are relevant to that community, that should be protected? If you go around downvoting comments that are in line with that community, that should be protected?

      Given that the only things anyone should probably downvote (spam, blatant abuse) are the very things mods exist to take care of, it’s not even clear that voting should be a thing at all.

        • @a_Ha@lemmy.ml
          22 years ago

          Cheers for fighting downvote bots … … but, but, but : typos !
          a yswr ==>> a user
          You van pay ==>> You can pay
          only votes ==>> only (?true?) votes

        • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
          12 years ago

          What prevents someone from subscribing to a community whose topic/purpose they despise, merely so they can downvote everything in it? That is not a constructive use of voting, and many do that without resorting to bots (so successful anti-bot initiatives won’t do anything about it).

          Voting doesn’t actually do anything that any sensible community should want.

          Reddit seems to seel votes

          They sell votes, explicitly now. You can pay to have ads appear on the front page, and those look like most any other post.

          Furthermore, for select clients, they sell these same but not marked as ads.

            • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
              12 years ago

              Not disagreeing. Just pointing out.

              I don’t know enough about the relevant law to understand whether there are any reporting requirements or not, but if there are they’re just skirting those.

              I have no proof I can offer, but I am convinced that this is so.

  • @abbenm@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Excellent question. I think a Hexbear-like abandonment of federating functionality Because Reasons. Federating is at the heart and soul of everything as far as I’m concerned, so that is make or break for me.

    And maybe, if it just became a really shallow low effort community. I decided I had enough of Tildes when a commenter there confidently explained and debated at length that MLK jr. would have been a “moderate” in the modern politics sense.

  • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
    62 years ago

    That development gets inflexible to support OpenRC and Apache HTTPD by making it dependent of specific features of systemd and Nginx.

  • Free Palestine
    22 years ago

    the two big things that would make me less as enthused about Lemmy, would be the removal of downvotes and making votes transparent (i.e. showing people who voted, and what they voted).

  • mtumishi
    22 years ago

    Real name policy (goverment issued ID and such stuff).

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
    02 years ago

    Honestly I’m getting quite sick of the number buttons all over the screen already. If Lemmy keeps cluttering the UI under the fallacy where it’s still comprehensive to the devs who have been here for months I’m gonna jump ship.