It can literally be anything, as long it relates to Lemmy.

    122 years ago
    • It doesn’t run like crap like Reddit’s redesign while still looking modern and good, unlike Old Reddit;

    • Good dark theme;

    • FOSS and federated;

    • Shuts down fascists and trolls hard and quickly enough for me (the new moderation system seems to be really good);

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      82 years ago

      Aside from being incredibly bloated, I find Reddit’s redesign is completely unreadalbe as well. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I just find it impossible to read threads with it.

        42 years ago

        For me it’s quite the opposite, I like the design itself of the redesign quite good (probably because I started using Reddit with it already as the default), but it runs like hot garbage.