I’m talking non-absurd things that plausibly someone could choose to implement.

Like an anti-suggestions thread.

  • @salarua@sopuli.xyz
    342 years ago

    karma. one reason we have so much high-quality content here is because there’s no incentive to gain upvotes. upvotes aren’t displayed on your profile and no communities are locked to people below a certain upvote count. if karma were added to Lemmy, we’d get a lot of pandering to the lowest common denominator and the entire community would become stratified

    • pluOP
      62 years ago

      Well I still smile at night thinking about the upvotes I got.

    • Free Palestine
      12 years ago

      Lemmy originally did have karma (i think we called it something else), but it was removed because it’s parasitic, so you don’t need to be afraid of that one coming back.