What do you want lemmy to be? What do you hope to find here? I myself want this to be a privacy and technology focused new Reddit with rich community interaction and forming of real communities.

  • @uthredii@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    A lot of these forums seem to use discourse which orders comments by time instead of votescore and comment tree.

    Is it possible to translate a lemmy thread to something that orders by time like discourse? I guess you could add in an ‘@person1’ or something to show who a comment is replying to. You could translate the other way by just changing ‘@person1’ into a reply to person1 too.

    I wonder if this would work well in practise though. Maybe lemmy threads are shaped differently, with more replies than discourse threads.

    I think I remember either you or Nutomic talking about this actually and saying it was possible.